DineNTalk is an online culture sharing platform where people connect, socialize and have authentic food experiences along with making friends, expanding their social networks, and getting to know about other cultures without traveling abroad.
1. With DineNTalk, hosts can create authentic experiences that welcome guests into their world. Sharing their culture and traditions through home- cooked meals and story-telling memories of the countries they come from.
2. Our platform provides an opportunity for newcomers to act as cultural ambassadors and make extra income at the same time.
3. Guests have the option to choose amongst a variety of culture-related experiences based on budget, interests and food specifications. We promote safe spaces for intimate gatherings without traveling abroad; through identity verifications, and guest behavior guidelines.


Saeideh Soltani-DineNTalk

Saeideh Soltani


Ever since I was a kid, people have been my passion. I still remember the time I was trying to make friend everywhere I went. Growing up, I was the person who met friends of friends after each occasion and the funny part was that, everyone asked me advise, assist and accompany them holding their celebration, trips, meetings, parties and so on!

This passion carried me through my education at Tourism Management. There I could find more recourses and information about people, culture, societies,… I applied what I had learned during education plus my strengths in making connections with people and play the role of travel
consultant and project executive during my work life. Eventually, my real personal passion for bringing people together and getting to know about other cultures leads me to co-found DineNTalk!

Sohail Haghighi-DineNTalk

Sohail Haghighi


As a child, I always dreamed of being able to share any of my interesting experiences and memorable memories with others. Maybe that’s why I became interested in the camera and never got tired of talking and exchanging experiences, especially in the field of travel. That’s why I always find a lot of friends, especially in recent years on social media.
Finally, for this reason, I studied IT engineering and have been working in various industries for many years as an art director in advertising and production of visual content. My business partner and I will come true with DineNTalk.